Friday 13 February 2015

The Book Thief | Markus Zusak | A Review

I also have posted a video review onto my youtube channel that you can check out at

So the first book I read of 2015 was The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. This book is set in Germany in the Second World War and focuses around a young girl named Liesel Merminger. Liesel is sent to the town of Molching where she is fostered by a couple and it follows her life through a number of years where her Papa teaches her to read and a list of different things happen to her throughout the book.

This book is narrated by 'death' and I personally really liked this idea. I thought some of the language used by death was beautiful to read, especially when he talks about having to take the Jew's from the death camps. I think the use of death narrating by Markus definitely gave this book a unique edge and I definitely think that it's probably one of the reasons I love the book so much.

The characters in this book were so lovable to read about. I personally loved the character's of Rudy and Papa especially. Throughout reading this book I felt like I really got to know these character's so well and I felt a lot of love for them. The way the character's develop throughout the book is done in a way where you definitely grow close to them in a way throughout the years the book takes place.

I very rarely cry at a book, but this one really got to me. I won't give any spoilers, but the ending is definitely tear worthy. I'd definitely give this book 5 stars as I felt I could not put it down and I fell in love with it the moment I started reading it, and I'm definitely wanting to read more books by Markus Zusak.

Saturday 24 January 2015

Books Books Books !

So if nobody knew this about me I am a huge book nerd ! Whilst I was walking around the town centre yesterday I was in the shop Waterstones (I think for Americans your closest alternative is Barnes and Noble) and me and my housemate, who is also a huge book nerd, decided we were going to have a competition on who can read the most books throughout 2015.

For me, this is a great idea as I sometimes lack motivation to finish a book so as well as having the competition I have decided that I am also going to document the books I am going to read on here as well as on my YouTube channel ( ) through filming my to be read lists as I buy and through book reviews both on here and my channel.

At the moment I am reading The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak and it is so far one of the best books I have ever read, I am absolutely in love with this book. I am only 200 pages or so into it but I am loving it. I would definitely definitely recommend this book to anybody who wanted a good book to read !

So far my to be read list is ;

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K Rowling
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien
Doctor Sleep by Stephen King
The Orphan by Christopher Ransom

I managed to get myself a Waterstones student card which means I get 10% back for every pound I spend in Waterstones which to be honest is a definite win-win situation so you can definitely be expected to see this list grow !

Thank you for reading and I will see you soon !

Becky xx

Saturday 17 January 2015


So just in case you guys wanted to get to know more about me I thought I'd link my latest YouTube video !

Sunday 21 December 2014

Book Review | The Shining

Hey guys :) So I've just finished reading The Shining and it's safe to say it is one of my favourite books I've ever read. I chose to read this book because I'm a huge fan of the film, so after hearing that the book was even better than the film and that the book was incredibly different I thought I should give it a go. Now I'm not an English student so I won't be analysing this book in that kind of sense, I'm simply just going to say what I enjoyed about it and whatnot :)

Now one of my favourite things about this book is how it is written from different characters perspectives throughout it. I found this incredibly interesting as I thought it gave the book a different edge to it as usually in books the book is written from the main characters perspectives. I think doing it this way enhances the books quality as you get to see the story differently in each chapter.

Compared to the film I definitely preferred the book, as much as I love Jack Nicholson's acting, I felt that the film's characters weren't quite as strong as the characters in the book. For example, Wendy is a very strong female character in the book however in the film she is depicted as a damsel in distress throughout and the difference is a very strong one. There are other big difference in characters as well such as Halloran and Jack.

I do really love the film version and personally part of me feels like the two stories are similar but completely separate. The books ends differently to the film and there are huge differences all the way through the book so part of me likes to see the stories as two completely separate ones. I personally prefer the ending of the book (which I won't spoil for anybody reading) because I feel like it makes a lot more sense than the film as the film left a lot of loose ends and I felt a little bit more confused at the end of the movie.

Another reason I really liked the book is I think Stephen King is an incredible writer. There were moments when reading this book where at 2am when I was the only one in the house I genuinely felt a little scared whenever I heard a noise or something like that. Stephen King is an incredibly writer, even more so in the horror genre.

I would definitely recommend this book to anybody who is a big fan of reading, and even more so of the horror genre. I'd give this book an 8.5/10 and that is only because I feel the beginning of the book is slightly slow to get going, but once you get past that its an incredible book. Hope you enjoyed this book review, much love, Becky x

Welcome To My Blog

Hello everyone, I have decided to begin blogging as I thought it's something I could really enjoy doing. I think I'm going to do a variety of blogs rather than stick to one subject I think. I hope you enjoy my blog :) Lots of love, Becky x